Schools environment fosters leadership values and self-motivation in children at the age when their minds are porous enough to absorb the most.

Achievements include grades, honors, awards, competitive results and experiences that demonstrate the academic prowess & engagement in student life.

Awards & Honours
An honor is when someone is officially recognized and respected for their accomplishments. An award is a prize someone receives for something special they have achieved.

About us
MSKPS is different from the other schools in Ramanathapuram. The reason is simple; we put forth moral and spiritual values while giving the best global education the child can get here. It is believed that most of the growth in children happens when they are quite young, around the first decade of their lives. Our world class education system is both wholesome and comprehensive, that guides them to find their own preferred niche for the future. We cherish the inside each of our students and there is no dissention regarding their right to play and learn from their peer group. This helps to light the feelings of self – assurance and independence in their minds, which will shape them into sanguine adults who can face any adversity with assurance.
Latest News & Event

Christmas Celebration

Tamilodu Vilaiyadu

Fire Safety Awareness Programme

Annual Day